Laws and Support Groups

Homeschool Support Groups and Laws by State
Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states but every state has different rules and regulations. You need to check the laws for your state.
Local and state support groups might be one of your greatest resources when it comes to laws and keeping motivated. Local support groups often can help with difficult areas of your academic plan. They are also a great way to provide “socialization” for your children.
Click Here to find your state.

National Homeschooling Organizations and Information
This is a list of organizations that serve the homeschool community at a national level. There are a variety of organization types nationally. There are sites with legal support, statistical reports, monetary assistance, and special needs help.
Click Here to for national organizations.

Homeschool Resources For Other Countries
We have assembled resources for homeschool families in different countries. There are a lot of foreign countries where home schooling is legal, but there are also a lot such as Germany where homeschooling is illegal.
Click Here to for international homeschool information.