High School and Beyond

Many homeschool parents are a little hesitant when it comes to teaching high school. There is an abundant amount of info and types of curriculum to take on these challenges.
This page has links that will help you homeschool your high school student. There are also links for planning for college.
One of the main questions concerning High School we get is what about diplomas. Please visit our Diploma page for an answer to this.
- Conservapedia – Everything needed to teach American History to ages 12-18, as used in 2008 in teaching the largest in-person homeschooled class in the nation: 65 teenagers in New Jersey. No textbook needed.
- School is Dead, Learn in Freedom – Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers FAQ – extensive list as well as discussions on admissions, etc.
- TeenPact Leadership School – The website for TeenPact Leadership School, an organization dedicated to inspiring passion for citizenship and justice in today’s youth. The are in 25 different states where they do a week long class on that states government and the responsibilities that we have as citizens
- Worldbook Typical Course of Study Grade 9 – for your first year of high school you can get an overall view of what you need to teach for the first year of high school