Math Resources

Even if your child isn’t an avid fan of math, there are plenty of ways you can incorporate it into your homeschool curriculum. From free resources for understanding time concepts and place value to fun math games for younger students, here are our top picks for teaching math at home
General Math Resources
- All Elementary Mathematics – Online Mathematical School… – Web high mathematical school. All sections of curriculum of elementary mathematics. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, analysis. Theory and solving problems. Versions of examination tests. Online consulting. Preparatory to universities and colleges.
- Dave’s Math Tables – math concepts explained
- Math Fact Café – provides elementary grade math fact sheets and flashcards for parents and teachers. The site is free and requires no login.
- Math for k-5 – Provides free math worksheets and math online activities.
- Math Skills – Learning elementary math online: addition, subtracting, mutliplication and division
- Mr. Martini’s Classroom – Interactive online exercises for self-paced practice solving elementary math problems. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, inequalities, and negative numbers.
- – Online Math learning and teaching resources for high school and college prep math – SAT test preparation, etc. Includes review lessons, math trivia and fun.
- RHL School – provides hundreds of free worksheets for teachers and parents to copy for their kids – math computation and problem solving
Algebra Resources
- Basic Mathematics – Algebra
- HippoCampus – HippoCampus provides free, multi-media content in many subjects, including Algebra, Biology, Physics, Calculus, Environmental Science, U.S. History, U.S. Government and more.
- KhanAcademy Algebra online
- West Texas A&M University Virtual Math Lab – beginning, intermediate and college online algebra tutorials
Geometry Resources
- All Elementary Mathematics – Online Mathematical School… – Web high mathematical school. All sections of curriculum of elementary mathematics. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, analysis. Theory and solving problems. Versions of examination tests. Online consulting. Preparatory to universities and colleges.
- The Geometry Junkyard
- KhanAcademy High School Geometry
Calculus Resources
- HippoCampus – HippoCampus provides free, multi-media content in many subjects, including Algebra, Biology, Physics, Calculus, Environmental Science, U.S. History, U.S. Government and more