Free Homeschool Study Resources

These links will take you to other sites on the web that can help you as you teach your homeschool. If you need to do research or are looking for sites to add to your knowledge, these will be useful to you.
- Art Resources – This is the place to find those resources that will help you in homeschooling your children in art
- Foreign Languages – In the society in which we are raising our children today, it is essential that the homeschool family have resources to teach foreign languages to their children. Here are some links for starting out.
- History Resources – To help you get started with homeschooling history, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best resources out there on teaching history in an engaging way.
- Language Arts Resources – providing your child with the resources that will help support their growing knowledge of reading, writing, and grammar.
- Math Resources – From free resources for understanding time concepts and place value to fun math games for younger students, here are our top picks for teaching math at home
- Music Resources – there are so many great resources available for homeschoolers who want to teach their kids about music. Here we’ll give you some ideas on how to get started!
- Science Resources – If you’re looking to teach your child about the scientific method, properties of matter, plants and animals, or even just how the human body works, there are tons of resources available.
- Social Study Resources – Broken down into geography and government and society links.
- Unit Study Resources – Here we have some free resources providing unit studies or ways to create your own unit studies.
- Worksheets and Printables – You can find resources for printing your own worksheets such as math and grammar or printables like information for topical subjects.