Special Needs Homeschooling

Don’t be afraid to take on homeschooling if you have a special needs child. While it can be challenging, it may be the best way to see great outcomes for your child.
The best thing about homeschooling special needs children is that you can cater the teaching to their specific needs or learning styles.
Here are links that will help the home school family with a special needs child.
- ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia – Information on behavioral intervention (ABA) for autism (and related disorders), a one-on-one teaching approach backed by over thirty years of research. “How-to” information, instructional resources, support groups, professional listings, and legal and special education information. By a parent.
- Autism Today – everything you need to know about autism
- Dyslexia My Life – The information and advice on this site is provided by a dyslexic, giving inside knowledge on the various ways of coping with dyslexia and Learning Disability.
- ISER – ISER a unique and comprehensive internet site pertaining to the needs of families with special children and their requirements.
- Learning Abled Kids – Learning Abled Kids provides information and tools to help parents homeschooling bright children with Specific Learning Disabilities.
- NATHAN – NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network – international organization for homeschoolers for people dealing with disabilities
- The National Academy for Child Development – designs very specific home educational and therapeutic programs for infants, children and adults given the labels including; Learning Disabled, Dyslexic, Distractible, ADD, ADHD, Hyperactive, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Tourettes Syndrome, Rhetts Syndrome, Fragile X, Developmentally Delayed, PDD, Autistic, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injured, Comatose, Retarded, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Normal, Accelerated, and Gifted.
- Positively Autism – PositivelyAutism.com is a free newsletter for parents and teachers. Each issue contains articles, resources, free teaching materials, and links related to a particular topic. Free downloads include lesson plans, data sheets, flash cards, visual supports, work tasks, and more!
- Special Needs Grants – A list of groups offering grants to those with special needs.
- Wonder Moms – Wonder Moms is a project by three moms to share real talk, helpful information, and practical advice with parents of kids who have intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, language and speech delays, deafness, chronic illness, and traumatic brain injury.
Autism Resources